6  data day: OWID

Dedicate a day to exploring data from Our World in Data (OWID), applying the chosen theme to the datasets available on this platform.

6.1 Setup


6.2 Dataset preparation

data1 <- read.csv("dataset/number-of-deaths-from-tetanus.csv")
data11 <- data1 %>%
  select(Year, Deaths) %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarise(Deaths = round((sum(Deaths))), 2)

country_tibble1 <- data1 %>%
  select(Entity, Deaths) %>%
  filter(Entity != 'African Region (WHO)',
         Entity != 'East Asia & Pacific (WB)',
         Entity != 'Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO)',
         Entity != 'Europe & Central Asia (WB)',
         Entity != 'European Region (WHO)',
         Entity != 'G20',
         Entity != 'Latin America & Caribbean (WB)',
         Entity != 'Middle East & North Africa (WB)',
         Entity != 'North America (WB)',
         Entity != 'OECD Countries',
         Entity != 'Region of the Americas (WHO)',
         Entity != 'South Asia (WB)',
         Entity != 'South-East Asia Region (WHO)',
         Entity != 'Sub-Saharan Africa (WB)',
         Entity != 'Western Pacific Region (WHO)',
         Entity != 'World Bank High Income',
         Entity != 'World Bank Low Income',
         Entity != 'World Bank Lower Middle Income',
         Entity != 'World Bank Upper Middle Income',
         Entity != 'World')%>%
  group_by(Entity) %>%
  summarize(Deaths = round((sum(Deaths))), 2) 

6.3 Map

highchart() %>%
  hc_add_series_map(worldgeojson, country_tibble1, value = "Deaths", 
                    joinBy = c('name','Entity'))  %>% 
  # hc_colors(cols) %>%
  # hc_colorAxis(dataClasses = color_classes(c(seq(0, 1500000, by = 250000)))) %>% 
  hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(8, c("#fee08b","#cc0000"))) %>% 
  hc_title(text = "Deaths from tetanus by country") %>% 
  hc_subtitle(text = "1990-2019") %>%
  hc_tooltip(borderWidth = 1.5, headerFormat = "", valueSuffix = " deaths")

The data set used to create the dashboard can be found at: